The creation of ANIC was conceived in March 2019 during the International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) held in Johannesburg, South Africa with the purpose of establishing a formal forum for dialogue, cooperation, and exchange of knowledge and experience amongst its members. At the sidelines of the 13th International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) held in Puebla, Mexico from June 22-24, 2022, ANIC approved its Charter and held its first elective conference. As a result, ANIC´s Executive Committee members were elected: Chairperson (South Africa), Vice Chairperson (Tunisia), Treasurer (Kenya), Member (Sierra Leone), and Member (Ghana).


Promote the development of transparency policies and access to public information in Africa, through
the exchange of good practices, specific knowledge and the promotion of international cooperation.
This approach will help strengthen policies, institutions and the strategies of action used by authorities
responsible for transparency laws in countries all over the continent.


To be an international reference forum promoting the exercise of the right of access to public
information in Africa, connecting the continent’s regulatory authorities and strengthening the
democracy of member countries through greater transparency and accountability.


The guiding principles of ANIC are:

  •  Respect and Integrity: All members agree that they shall respect the independence and sovereignty of each member country and ensure that there is openness in the decision-making process.
  • Independence and Impartiality: ANIC shall discharge its role in an unbiased manner and without interference by any individual or authority.
  • Cooperation and Inclusion: All members agree to cooperate and permit the inclusion of every member in ensuring the objectives are met.
  • Advocacy: ANIC shall advocate and promote access to information across the African continent.
  • Accountability and Transparency: All members shall be open, accountable and responsive in the conduct of all ANIC affairs.

Strategic Objectives

For the operationalization of the strategic statements of the ANIC, the following objectives are defined:

  • Publicize and position the ANIC as a benchmark in the region for the advancement of transparency policies and access to public information.
  • Promote collaborative work – work that has been done in conjunction with international donors (multilateral organizations, national agencies, Multilateral Development Banks), regional organization, international networks and civil society organizations in order to facilitate the proper functioning of the ANIC.
  • Strengthen the capacities of the ANIC, in order to support the effectiveness of their strategies in access to information, proactive transparency and document management.
  • Ensure the proper functioning and sustainability of the ANIC through the formalization of its structure, work processes and financial resources.

The objectives delineated above constitute the main pillars in the achievement strategic definitions of the ANIC. Its results will be evaluated based on compliance with the progress and achievements of the strategic projects.



Pansy Tlakula holds a B. Proc degree from the University of the North (now the University of Limpopo), an LL.B degree from the University of the Witwatersrand and an LL.M degree from Harvard University.

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Adnene LASSOUED is the Acting president of the Access to Information Authority in Tunisia (INAI-Tunisia). Mr. Lassoued was born in 1963 in Gafsa (Tunisia). He is a Magistrate and has a Bachelor’s degree in Private Law

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Comm. Lucy Kamunye Ndungu

EBS serves as a Commissioner with the Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ). She is the designated Access to Information Commissioner under the Access to Information Act 2016. Lucy is a Lawyer and an Advocate 

Yaw Sarpong Boateng Esq

Executive Secretary: Right to Information Commission of Ghana. Yaw Sarpong Boateng studied Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Social Science (History and Sociology) at the Kwame University of Science and Technology and Proceeded to study law 

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Dr Ibrahim Seaga Shaw

Dr. Ibrahim Seaga Shaw is Chairman and Information Commissioner, Right to Access Information Commission in Sierra Leone. Before taking up this post in October 2018, Dr Shaw worked  as Senior Lecturer in Media and Politics


In March 2019 at International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) held in Johannesburg, a group of African countries recognised the need for a network focusing on access to information on the African continent and created the African Network of Information Commissions (ANIC), aimed at creating a platform for access to information on the African continent.
The ANIC is a Network of Information Commissioners, Ombudsmen, and other Regulatory Authorities, including Transparency Councils or Boards that are responsible for protecting, promoting and ensuring the respect of the right of access to information within their respective jurisdictions. The purpose of the Network is to establish a formal forum for dialogue, cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experience a mong its members. The Information Regulator (Regulator) of South Africa was elected as the interim chair and secretariat of ANIC.
On 7 and 8 April 2022, ANIC held its first General Assembly at which the draft Charter of the organisation was considered. The Information Regulator (Regulator), hosted a two-day African Network of Information Commissions (ANIC) online conference aimed at creating a platform for peer learning and support among oversight bodies on access to information on the African continent. The conference was attended by oversight bodies on Access to Information (ATI) from Kenya, South Sudan, Seychelles, South Africa, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivore, Togo, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, and Ghana who are all members of the Forum. The theme of the two-day meeting was, “An Africa network for the advancement of the right of access to information”. The General Assembly resolved to approach UNESCO to request amongst other things, assistance with the development of the strategic plan for ANIC.
An important progress of ANIC took place during the 13th International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) held in Puebla (Mexico) during the 22 – 24 of June, 2022. ANIC conducted as a side event on June the 23rd its Regional meeting chaired by the interim chair (Information Regulator of South Africa). During this event, the ANIC approved its Charter and held its 1st elective conference. As a result, ANIC´s Executive Committee members were elected: Chairperson (South Africa), Vice Chairperson (Tunisia), Treasurer (Kenya), Member (Sierra Leona) and Member (Ghana). By July 2022 ANIC had already 14 members: Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Togo, Tunisia.

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