Written by Koketso Moeng (Information Regulator South Africa)

The Information Regulator (South Africa) hosted the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the African Network of Information Commissions (ANIC) on May 23-24, 2024, at its Braamfontein offices in Johannesburg. This pivotal event brought together information commissioners, ombudsmen, and other regulatory authorities from across the African continent for a two-day session aimed at fostering peer learning and electing a new
governance structure and to discuss and advance the right of access to information on the continent. Adv.Pansy Tlakula, Chairperson of the Information Regulator, opened the meeting by welcoming the network’s members and partners. She highlighted the critical role of the AGM in reflecting on past achievements, celebrating successes, and planning future initiatives aimed at promoting access to information and digital inclusion across Africa.

The first day of the AGM focused on peer learning sessions. The discussions centered around the institutionalisation of information commissions. Presentations by key figures, such as Ms. Alison Tilley and Adv. Collen Weapond, provided historical context and insights into the establishment and operational structure of the Information Regulator SA. Executive members, Mr. Ntsumbedzeni Nemasisi and Adv.Tshepo Boikanyo detailed the work of the Regulator in monitoring and enforcing compliance in access to information and data protection respectively. These ANIC Members, Information Regulator SA Members and EXCO sessions facilitated a robust exchange of best practices among the commissioners, fostering a collaborative approach to addressing shared challenges.

One of the crucial topics was the response of information commissions to challenges of information integrity. Mr. Mukelani Dimba underscored the urgency of addressing these challenges, while experts like Ms. Nomshado Lubisi-Nkosinkulu from Media Monitoring Africa and Prof. Admire Mare from the University of Johannesburg provided insights into scanning the information landscape for misinformation and disinformation. Their presentations emphasised the importance of identifying and responding to integrity
issues in the information ecosystem and the role of information commissions.

The second day featured an open session with a keynote address by Mr. John Jeffrey, the former Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development of South Africa. His speech focused on the role of Information Commissions in promoting and protecting human rights in Africa. This was followed by country statements, where heads of delegations shared reflections and updates on access to information regulation within their jurisdiction. Strategic partnerships were also a significant focus, with presentations on upcoming events like the International Day for Universal Access to Information 2024 (IDUAI) in Ghana and initiatives by the African Alliance for Access to Data. These discussions highlighted opportunities for advancing the access to information agenda in the digital age. The AGM also addressed the alignment of
access to information reporting with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly SDG 16.10, through experience sharing among countries participating in the African Voluntary National Review (VNR).

Key Outcomes and Elections in the closed session, the Executive Committee presented their report, followed by the adoption of electoral procedures and the election of new Executive Committee members, including the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Treasurer. The new executive comprises of South Africa (Chair), Ghana (Vice Chair), Morrocco (Treasurer), Seirra Leone and Kenya as additional members.

The event highlighted ANIC’s commitment to fostering transparency, fighting corruption, and promoting good governance across Africa. The collaborative discussions and shared experiences during the AGM provided valuable guidelines for commissioners to enhance access to information and data protection frameworks in their respective countries.

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